Quick and Delicious: Quinoa and Black Beans

I’ve just returned from a (too short!) trip to Bolivia to visit my sister.  One important Bolivian staple is quinoa, so here’s a recipe that features it.  It’s not a Bolivian recipe, but it’s delicious!  My sister wasn’t sure where she got it, so it’s a bit of a mystery.  😉 Ingredients: 1 cup quinoa,…

A prayer for Lenten joy

Father, it is a great comfort to us that you and your Son are never glib and never gloomy.  We delight in the truth that you can be infinitely happy without being callous to our pain.  We stand in wonder that the light of Jesus’ joy makes a rainbow in the tears on his face. …


Thankful for so many things: visiting new places the chance to travel with my Mom seeing my far-away sister! coming home spring a camera battery that lasted just long enough the ability to take more pictures than any person in their right mind should want to see safe travels lovely surprises warm weather for drying…


As I looked back through notes from my reading during the last year, I thought that this bit from a biography of St. Francis might be helpful for our Lenten journey: …this immense and unimaginably good God…brought him to life, gave him purpose, rescued him from chaos.  In other words, God was his Creator and…

Quick and Delicious: Formosan Fried Cabbage

This recipe always brings back memories of a long weekend spent alone in the home of some family friends.  I was living with them temporarily and the whole family went out of state for a family emergency.  I fried up some cabbage (although I’m not sure it was this recipe exactly), baked some whole wheat…

Praying through Lent

There is a quiet kind of joy, O Lord, that Jesus did both save us from our sin and show us how to love…  He took our poverty upon himself that we, in him, might have the riches of his heaven, and he calls us now to use our riches for the poor…. O Father,…

Thoughts on a Friday

Spring’s not quite here yet, but it’s definitely on its way!  So here’s a little poetry to celebrate although it might be a bit premature.  😉 As spring the winter doth succeed And leaves the naked trees do dress, The earth all black is clothed in green. At sunshine each their joy express. My sun’s…

On fasting (from Isaiah 58)

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked,…

Quick and Delicious: Bedouin Bread

I don’t know how authentically “Bedouin” this recipe is, but as yeast breads go it’s relatively quick, and bread fresh from the oven is definitely delicious! Ingredients: 1 Tablespoon yeast 1 Tablespoon honey 1 1/4 cup warm water 1 teaspoon salt 3 1/2 cups flour Directions: Combine yeast, honey, water, and salt. Add the flour…