Lenten Thanksgiving

Grateful for: homemade blueberry pie listening ears the Bible study ladies time to rest fresh water free books a new perspective prayer Saturday morning coffee in the sunshine back porch weather line drying laundry freedom church history

Lenten Thanksgiving

grateful for… spring on the way vending machine Oreos sleep good books more grapefruit the U.S. Postal Service phone calls from brothers water a nice chai sunshine! cherry jam

Super quick and delicious

I’ll just give you the link to this one because I followed the recipe, just doubled everything and sprinkled some fresh cilantro on top, which was a nice touch.  This Curried Broccoli Couscous is really quick (chopping the broccoli takes the most time), and it’s made for great lunches all week.  I probably didn’t really…

Thoughts on a Friday

I have a role to play in the story of God, which means I am a character.  At the same time, I am to play that role with integrity and grace, which means I have character that can be measured as good or lacking goodness.  My character is good to the degree that it grows…

Ash Wednesday and What’s Wrong with the World

An old post re-worked a bit and re-posted again… The Book of Common Prayer tells us that: The first Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord’s passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church to prepare for them by a season of penitence and fasting. …the whole congregation was…

Ash Wednesday: A reminder of what’s to come

There’s nothing like old tombstones to remind you of what’s coming!  Lent is almost upon us, and Ash Wednesday is an annual reminder that we are but dust and will someday return to it.  Or, as the letter of James puts it, “You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” …