Reading Colossians for Christmas

For the last few months I’ve been studying Ephesians, Philemon, and Colossians, wending my way back and forth between the books in several different settings.  I got mired in Colossians in the weeks leading up to and beginning the Advent season, which turns out to have been a fantastic thing! I’ve been enthusiastic about Colossians…

Advent Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving holiday is over, but there’s still a lot to be thankful for: a light dusting of snow Christmas lights Christmas music Advent hope, for now and for the future flannel sheets laughter fair trade coffee at Aldi people’s generosity laundry (even if I may complain about having to wash it or fold it…

Advent Hope

Christian hope, the spirit that dominates the Advent/Christmas season, is not reserved merely for some splendid future yet to come.  It is much more than an otherworldly matter, a promise of heavenly reward after death.  Jesus does not ask us to wait until later, until the end for help and healing.  Hope is the good…