Why I love…

Eugene Peterson, a person I’ve never met, who’s never heard of me, and whose most well-known work I’ve never read. At a time when I was feeling battered, uncertain, and living in a foreign land on the second floor of a small concrete house, at the end of a dead-end alley, in an unheated room…

Vegan pumpkin scones with fresh cranberries (and very little sugar)

Doesn’t that look delicious in the morning light?  😉  I wrote previously about my experimental vegan pumpkin scones and accidentally leaving out the sugar.  It turns out that people seem to like them better that way! I’ve got a stash of cranberries that I need to use up, so one morning I decided to add…

Thankful even for what’s been thrown away

You may have seen this on Faceboook or somewhere else online, but it’s amazing, so I had to share it here, too. Like nature abhors a vacuum, I abhor waste, and that includes wasting people, so I’m really touched by projects like this that take what has been discarded and turn it in to something…


It’s been awhile since I’ve put one of these lists together, so there’s plenty to include! safe travels answered prayer good news at long last good friends in far off places time to think the chance to experience another new place the sweet smell of herbs drying in the garret digital photography borrowed books birthdays…

Giving thanks for…

spring blossoms greening grass sprouting seeds spring rains good reads special spaghetti sauce the last of the pumpkin cinnamon rolls sunny afternoon reading outside neighbors to share oregano with the chance to keep learning the chance to chat with a friend and share my brownies people who share the music they make

Thoughts on a Friday

The difference between shallow happiness and a deep, sustaining joy is sorrow.  Happiness lives where sorrow is not.  When sorrow arrives, happiness dies.  It can’t stand pain.  Joy, on the other hand, rises from sorrow and therefore can withstand all grief.  Joy, by the grace of God, is the transfiguration of suffering into endurance, and…

Pear, pecan, oatmeal, maple syrup scone success!

Well, I’ve got it!  A successful pear, pecan, oatmeal, and maple syrup scone.  I think these are just as delicious as the less-successful batch, and they’re my favorite scones in a long time.  There’s so much good stuff in them! The dough is still very sticky, but it should hold together enough to form into…

Thoughts on a Friday

Prayer makes your heart bigger, until it is capable of containing the gift of God himself. ~Mother Teresa

Thoughts on a Friday

God is not an art critic who makes aesthetic judgments, nor is God a philosopher who issues metaphysical definitions or decrees.  Rather, God is more like a cantor who chants His Creation into existence and rejoices everlastingly over its beautiful harmony.  His song continues, and its melody moves and inspires humankind to restore beauty and…


Several different takes on a theme… A Christmas one: A difficult, but hopeful, one (lyrics here): Just a beautiful one: A classic one: And one just to make you smile: Hallelujah!

Christmas gifts

I just finished my Christmas shopping yesterday and am working on my last handmade gift.  Hooray! If you’re still working on getting the right presents for all the people on your list, here are a few suggestions (updated slightly from last year’s version of this post). Fairly-traded items For unique gifts with an international flair,…