Thank you

…to the lovely person who left this box of vegetables and herbs on my front porch.  They’re beautiful and delicious and made my day!

Thoughts on a Friday

Happiness is neither outside us nor inside us; it is in God, both outside and inside us. ~Blaise Pascal

To survive a drought…

…it helps to have a tap root. It’s the secret of the lowly dandelion. And if our roots are in the right media, they truly are a life line through whatever dry spells may come.

A change of plans

If you’ve only seen the property in October and November, you might be forgiven for forgetting that when spring comes all those trees will get leaves on them, which will shade the south side of the house.  In July this is truly a blessing, but it destroys the plans you had for a prairie garden…

You never know…

…what wonders you might see if you keep your eyes open. (And can you imagine having anything that long sprouting from your head?!) (Or the joys of reclining so gently, and jauntily, on a geranium?)

A wet Wednesday and some links

It’s a quiet evening of watching dark clouds roll in followed by rain drops dancing under the street lights while thunder rumbles overhead.  We need the rain, and it’s a lovely storm.  It seems to be doing fine every time I step out onto the porch to check on it.  😉 If you’ve never checked…

Thanks, Mom

There is no way to put into words all the things I have to thank my mother for or to thank God for making her my mom, but since we’ve got to try, here’s just the tip of the iceberg… So, thank you, Mom for: loving us so much it hurts loving us even when…

Thoughts on a Friday

This little poem is known as “Saint Teresa’s Bookmark” because it was found in her prayer book after her death. Let nothing disturb thee, Nothing affright thee; All things are passing; God never changeth; Patient endurance Attaineth to all things; Who God possesseth In nothing is wanting; Alone God sufficeth. It’s beautiful in English (as…

A little list of thankfulness…

Giving thanks for all sorts of loveliness: stems of iris blooming in a glass little salvaged iris buds blooming at the kitchen sink that subtle iris fragrance stately, fragile iris unfurling from long oval buds the exquisitely arranged petals, so easily ripped to shreds  by wind and rain supper on the porch beautiful morning clouds…

Thoughts on a Friday

I was familiar with the first part of Donne’s Meditation 17, but I had forgotten this latter part of it: Affliction is a treasure, and scarce any man hath enough of it.  No man hath affliction enough that is not matured and ripened by it and made fit for God by that affliction.  If a…

Thoughts on a Friday

“But it isn’t easy,” said Pooh.  “Because Poetry and Hums aren’t things which you get, they’re things which get you.  And all you can do is to go where they can find you.” ~A.A. Milne